
Mutual Aid & COVID-19


Over the last week, you’ve probably gotten dozens -- maybe even hundreds -- of messages from companies, organizations, neighborhood associations, schools, and others about COVID-19. In this time of uncertainty and, frankly, fear, we are hoping to share resources from and across our network

Now is the time for Physical Distance to save lives, but it is also the time for Social Solidarity - to help us build and preserve the quality of those lives, as well as our collective power to build towards a better, more just future. Now is the time for us to stand in solidarity with those most immediately threatened by this pandemic: students, seniors, parents, and our sick and disabled community members. 

COVID-19 & Mutual Aid

Through mutual aid, we have the opportunity to resist our government’s push to monetize the crisis and ensure that human needs are prioritized over corporate greed. We’ve compiled a shortlist of resources we’ve seen come through the PSN Slack over the last week to share out throughout our list: 

  • Kentucky Student Environmental Coalition created COVID-19 Mutual Aid list for students in Kentucky

Here are some resources from our friends and comrades from outside of the Network: 

  • Comrades from across the country are building out this massive resource list of mutual aid and support resources from across the country into one centralized document

In the coming weeks PSN staff will continue pulling together resources and working to support cross-movement mobilizations to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19, while serving as a liaison for those in the youth climate movement to situate themselves in this important work.

Please stay tuned to the Power Shift Network Slack, (where we just launched a channel specifically for gathering and collecting resources and mutual aid lists), InstagramTwitter and Facebook feeds to stay connected. 

Stay safe and take care of yourself and your loved ones during this difficult time and if you need something, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly at

In love & solidarity, 

Akilah, Dany, Hope, Nadya, Lena, Sarin, & Sierra


This list will continue to be updated as our members share new things. If you are a member organization and would like to add a resource, please contact

Tags: Mutual Aid