
Power Shift Network Members

Power Shift Network was a national community of organizations who worked with young leaders to fight for climate justice. Our members worked on diverse issues and campaigns—from fighting toxic tar sands pipelines to building locally-owned renewable energy projects to supporting young people of color to run for office—and they ranged from small student groups to big national nonprofits and everything in between.

Member organizations gained access to a variety of resources to help organize more powerfully and effectively, like small financial grants, coaching and training support, and the ability to make connections with organizers across the country.

Member Spotlight

A person is holding a microphone in mid-speech. They're wearing glasses, dangling earrings, and a multi-colored shawl. The sign behind them says, "New Mexico Oil And Gas Is Burning Our State"


YUCCA is part of the youth-led movement that is igniting all over the world to fight for a livable future. They are also a part of the social, economic, and environmental justice movements of northern New Mexico. They work intergenerationally, cross-culturally, and intersectionally. They align with all struggles for liberation across the world and actively work to combat all forms of oppression including a lot of their recent work around addressing false climate solutions. 

Learn More about YUCCA

2 young children and 4 other people stand next to each other with their fists up in the air. They are all wearing yellow shirts that say "Rise St. James" with a black first underneath. They are standing in front of a field

Rise St. James

Rise St. James is a faith-based grassroots organization that is fighting for environmental justice as it works to defeat the proliferation of petrochemical industries in St. James Parish, Louisiana. Led by Sharon Lavigne, 2021’s Goldman Environmental Prize winner, Rise St. James galvanized community opposition and successfully defeated the construction of a $1.25 billion plastics manufacturing plant in 2019. The group is currently fighting to prevent Formosa Plastics from building a massive multibillion-dollar plastics plant in the parish.

Learn More about Rise St. James

Members that made up our Network