Organizing Training and Resources Bank

Downloadable Resources

Welcome! This collection of organizing trainings, manuals, worksheets, and more is a labor of love put together by Power Shift Network members and allies.

PSN recognizes that young organizers, communities of color, low-income communities, and those most directly impacted by climate crisis need a baseline of theory and skills as a foundation for our justice movements. While capitalism perpetually suggests that competition is key, we know that to thrive, we must collaborate, pool our resources, and decentralize access to learning. So save your limited time and energy by uplifting the great work of your fellow leaders and utilizing their wonderful resources.

Want to share a tool you created with others, or know of a great resource that belongs in this bank? This is a living, evolving project, and we invite you to help us co-create it. Click here to submit a resource to the bank.

Have comments, questions, or feedback? Email us at

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Multiply and Mobilize Part Two: Understanding this Political Moment


    In Part Two of our Webinar Series, we take stock of some of the big themes emerging under this right wing populist administration, and learn from past movements to better navigate the future. We look at two models for understanding and locating social movement responses: the Building Power model from Project South, and the 8 Stages of Movement Building model.

  • Direct Action

    10 Steps for Setting Up A Blockade


    10 steps for setting up a blockade: an intro

  • Allyship

    12 Things to do Instead of Calling the Cops


    Calling the police often escalates situations, puts people at risk, and leads to violence. Anytime you seek help from the police, you’re inviting them into your community and putting people who may already be vulnerable into dangerous situations. Sometimes people feel that calling the police is the only way to deal with problems. But we can build trusted networks of mutual aid that allow us to better handle conflicts ourselves and move toward forms of transformative justice, while keeping police away from our neighborhoods.

  • Community Defense

    A Troublemakers’ Guide: Principles for Racial Justice Activists In the Face of State Repression


    This guide includes principles of anti-racist movement security, defending, building and supporting movements. This is a living document written primarily for white activists and majority-white organizations to speak to the ways that white supremacy in movements interacts with white supremacy of the state.

  • Mutual Aid

    A workshop on mutual aid, solidarity, & building grassroots power


    Drawing on the wisdom of participants we explore mutual aid and solidarity, and what makes it distinct from charity. We also share experiences, insights, and lessons learned doing mutual aid during disasters from Hurricane Katrina to the Coronavirus pandemic.

    Here is Kourtney's amazing Community Defense: Beginners Guide & Interactive Workbook. This is for you and your community members to go through the process of building a community defense system together. This resource includes context on mutual aid and community defense, a step by step process for generating this support in your community, as well as examples from Kourtney's own organizing experiences. 


  • Leadership Development

    Academics & Public Scholars Career Panel


    This Career Panel is an opportunity for young people to learn from academics and public scholars' alignment with movement values to talk about their journeys and their advice - especially in regards to the environmentalism movement.

  • Allyship

    Accomplices Not Allies: Abolishing the Ally Industrial Complex


  • Digital Organizing

    Activist Tech Security


    As we continue to organize through the collapse of late stage capitalism and the rise of fascism, we will experience increased state surveillance.

    We need to organize in ways that strategically avoid and counter the tracking, targeting, and isolating of activists and ultimately prevent one another from being trafficked into the criminal punishment system.

    In this webinar, you will learn how to stay safe, secure, and encrypted while organizing.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Advocacy & Campaigning Mini-Guides


    Each guide is just four pages of clear, focused and accessible help to anyone wanting to make our shared world a better place. They are based on my 30 years of working in advocacy and campaigning, using tried and tested models and tools. They can be download for free under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence (that means that you can use, share and reproduce them for non-profit use, providing that Ian Chandler is acknowledged as the author).

  • AntiOppression

    Affirmative Consent

    Training Materials

    Adapted for SPROG: Understand the definition of Affirmative Consent and why it is important, Identify verbal and nonverbal clues that communicate others’ feelings, wishes, and boundaries

  • Social Movements

    Agriculture & Food Justice Career Panel


    This Career Panel is an opportunity for young people to learn from agriculture and food justice organizers' alignment with movement values to talk about their journeys and their advice - especially in regards to the environmentalism movement.

  • Community Defense

    An Activist's Guide to Basic First Aid


    Black Cross Health Collective is an affinity group of health care workers who live in Portland, Oregon. We formed after the WTO protests because we saw a need for medical care that is specific to the radical community. We think our needs as radicals are different, and that groups like the Red Cross don’t give us the skills we need to keep ourselves and each other safe in the streets. So we called upon our own medical experience (as nurse practitioners, nurses, EMT’s, clinical herbalists, and more), as well as our experience in demos and direct actions, and formed Black Cross.

  • Community Defense

    An Activist's Guide to Information Security


    This guide aims to be a concise overview on information security for anyone in emancipatory struggles against structures of power. It represents assembled knowledge and best practices from personal experience, conversations with hackers and fellow activists, hacker conferences, and university courses on computer security and cryptography. Nonetheless, the best security is sharing skills with trusted people.

  • AntiOppression

    Anarchism: What It Is, What It Ain't


    This pamphlet is a reprinting of an essay by Lawrence Jarach titled “Instead Of A Meeting: By Someone Too Irritated To Sit Through Another One.” We share the author’s frustration in dealing with the confusion surrounding anarchism, including those coming from some anarchists. Most simply, anarchists are against the state and the government and do not support them in any form and see their existence as an obstacle to liberation.

  • Climate Justice

    Angela Davis, Destiny Hodges, & Jamie Margolin in Conversation


    Two youth organizers speak with activist incon Angela Davis about the hopelessness organizing work can bring, how activism has changed over the years, and more.

    Destiny hodges, angela davis + jamie margolin in conversation


  • AntiOppression

    Anti-Oppression 101, 201

    Training Materials

    Created for SPROG: Learn about identity categories and explore our own identities, Understand how privilege works within systems of power, Visualize ways to intervene and disrupt oppressive patterns in real-world scenario, Learn basic vocabulary and concepts for Anti-Oppression, Understand how oppression manifests in personal actions, institutions, and culture

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Anti-Protest Legislation: Implications for Social Movements


    Since the end of 2016, nearly 60 bills have been proposed in state legislatures which limit the right to protest or remove liability for harm caused to protesters. A panel of civil liberties experts will give an overview of all these bills, focusing in particular on so-called “Critical Infrastructure” and “Campus Free Speech” legislation. Strategies and resources for challenging these bills will be provided.

  • Climate Change Communications

    Artists and Designers Career Panel


    This Career Panel is an opportunity for young people to learn from artists and designers' alignment with movement values to talk about their journeys and their advice - especially in regards to the environmentalism movement.


  • Social Movements

    Arts & Activism Tools

    Curriculum & Resource Bank

    Looking at case studies from across the southeast u.s. at how art is used to create partnerships between community members and groups. Workshops on undoing racism and art and activism tools.

  • Narrative Building

    Authors & Journalists Career Panel


    This Career Panel is an opportunity for young people to learn from authors and journalists alignment with movement values to talk about their journeys and their advice - especially in regards to the environmentalism movement. You'll get to hear panelists speak on how you use your skills as a writer in the movement and more.



  • Campaign Development

    Banner Drops, Stencils, Wheatpaste, and Distributing Information


    This zine is a compilation of four “how to” guides by ACTIVATE (Grand Rapids SDS). They cover banner drops, stencils, wheatpasting, and distributing information. The original layouts have been lost; the text was obtained from ACTIVATEGR.ORG 

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Base Building 101: Recruitment

    Training Materials

    Created for SPROG: Understand the definition and importance of building a “base”, Know why people get involved and stay involved in groups, Learn tools for list building and data management for mobilization, Understand the different levels of involvement members of their base will have, Be familiar with common tactics for outreach (phone banking, canvassing/tabling, group raps).

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Base Building 201: Mobilization

    Training Materials

    Created for SPROG: Understand the definition and importance of building a “base”, Know why people get involved and stay involved in groups, Learn tools for list building and data management for mobilization, Understand the different levels of involvement members of their base will have, Be familiar with common tactics for outreach (phone banking, canvassing/tabling, group raps).

  • Community Defense

    Beautiful Trouble Toolbox


    Beautiful Trouble is an online toolbox and creative campaign incubator and has an international network of artist-activist-trainers helping grassroots movements become more creative and effective. 

  • Leadership Development

    Biologists & Scientists Career Panel


    This Career Panel is an opportunity for young people to learn from biologists and scientists' alignment with movement values to talk about their journeys and their advice - especially in regards to the environmentalism movement. 

  • Leadership Development

    BIPOC Leaders on Careers in Environmental Organizations


    This panel examines how young activists who are interested in working in the environmental field long term can navigate historical inequities. The panelists will discuss their own trajectories and experiences on their work from a personal and professional perspective. This conversation will include both early and seasoned professionals as they provide their reflections and advice for young activists.

  • Research Justice/Participatory Action Research

    Black Men Matter – Examining Mental Health Issues Among Black Men – A Guide To Freedom


    In this guide:

    • From The Origins Of Brutality, Captivity And Barbarism
    • Rates Of Mental Illness Among Black And African American Men
    • Mental Health Treatment Barriers Facing Black And African American Men
    • Mental Health Resources For Black And African American Men



  • Social Movements

    Black Men Matter – Examining Mental Health Issues Among Black Men – A Guide To Freedom


    From the origins of brutality, captivity and barbarism that marked the arrival of Africans to the United States; to the generations of marginalization and oppression that impeded their pursuit of freedom and equality; to systemic institutional and cultural factors that continue to impede quality of life at disproportionately high rates, it can be argued that trauma is an integral part of the Black Male American experience, as baked in as the legacy of mistreatment that continues to impact their everyday lives

  • Community Defense

    Blockade, Occupy, Strike Back


    A collection of tactical knowledge for students and others. 

  • Community Defense

    Blocs, Black and Otherwise


    This zine compiles two texts by CrimethInc. that provide an excellent introduction on how to participate in and organize black blocs. The first is “Blocs, Black and Otherwise”

  • Climate Change Communications

    Breathe This Air: Intersectional Storytelling for Power Building


    We talk about the anatomy of intersectional storytelling and its true power, and our panelists will talk about how to ground our intellectual / policy / legislative needs in personal lived experience--which creates power through authenticity.

  • Campaign Development

    Build More Powerful Campaigns with Social Science


    Watch this to learn some of the essential takeaways to improve your organizing with insights from social science.  You’ll find answers to questions like: Many people are taking political action for the first time, but how do we keep them taking action? What insights from research can help us structure volunteer programs that support leadership development and engagement with our organizations and campaigns for the long term? How do organizations facing a surge of activism after the 2016 election convert it into a long‐term base of support? The webinar focuses on examples from climate space, but we think the insights presented can be applied to organizing on other issues.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Build Your Own Solidarity Network


    This zine looks at the Seattle Solidarity Network—an organization that uses direct action to fight for the specific demands of tenants and workers. It’s an interesting approach to anarchist “community organizing” and this zine offers a good overview of how to start such an organization while also delving into some of the strategic rationale that underlies their work. The zine covers everything including how to get started, what tactics seem to work well, how to run meetings, etc.

  • Community Building

    Building Community Resilience to Fight State Repression


    The trust, values and skills we rely on when we’re in a direct confrontation with the state are part of our lifelong work to develop and deepen our practice and our commitment. Fighting state repression helps us to know ourselves and our work better, to be bold and to take risks that make more space for the possibilities we want to see in the world. Doing legal support or anti-repression education aren’t a drag or a waste of time or less interesting than other work unless we treat them that way.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Building Momentum: How to Activate Supporters Ahead of Your Next Election


    The aim of this guide is to give you actionable steps to activate your network. Here, we take you through key learnings from campaigners around the world:  1- Who are your supporters? 2- Connecting with your supporters 3- What motivates them?  4- Interest mapping 5- Making it fun, and more! 

  • Allyship

    Building Power After Biden's Climate Summit: A Global South Perspective


    This session reflects on the outcome of the Biden Climate Summit and the needs from the Global South. It will be a roundtable discussion of the ways that youth in the US can play a role in supporting the global south, international politics, and the intersection of gender in these actions.

    The session makes space for a critical discussion of the implications of US policy on climate change on a global level. We also want to offer opportunities for participants to get involved in international campaigns, like the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty and Earth Power. We will introduce the Treaty and Earth Power as a solution on how to localize international coordination to achieve a 1.5 goal. We will be tying the moral obligation the US has to take this on to the Biden Climate Summit, and critiquing the summit on what implementation has traditionally looked like.

  • Digital Organizing

    Building Your Twitter Following - Tools Update


    You can grow your Twitter account for organizing by up to 250 followers per week. Using an effective tool for that is critical. Many groups use Tweepi, but recently started seeing their Twitter accounts blocked. Tweepi has now re-worked its approach. This webinar walks through tips for using the new version of Tweepi and want to learn about how such a tool can be helpful.

  • Community Engagement

    BxTC Community Engagement Guide


    Tools & tactics to engagement community members in community bodies such as coalitions & youth leaderhsip teams.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Campaign Planning 101: Intro to Grassroots Campaigns

    Training Materials

    Created for SPROG: Know the difference between service-based, education-based, and change-based campaigns, Understand the three types of power (power over, power with, and power within), Understand the components that make up a strategic campaign, Understand the difference between tactics and strategy, Learn how to plan strong long- and short-term campaign goals, Learn how to use the spectrum of allies tool, Understand the theory behind mobilizing allies to build power, Learn the components of a strong tactic, Understand how to plan escalating tactics in a campaign, Know the difference between tactics and strategy, Learn how to work backwards on a timeline to plan a campaign.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Campaign Planning 201: Anatomy of a Campaign

    Training Materials

    Created for SPROG: Know the difference between service-based, education-based, and change-based campaigns, Understand the three types of power (power over, power with, and power within), Understand the components that make up a strategic campaign, Understand the difference between tactics and strategy, Learn how to plan strong long- and short-term campaign goals, Learn how to use the spectrum of allies tool, Understand the theory behind mobilizing allies to build power, Learn the components of a strong tactic, Understand how to plan escalating tactics in a campaign, Know the difference between tactics and strategy, Learn how to work backwards on a timeline to plan a campaign.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Campaign Planning 301: Spectrum of Allies

    Training Materials

    Created for SPROG: Know the difference between service-based, education-based, and change-based campaigns, Understand the three types of power (power over, power with, and power within), Understand the components that make up a strategic campaign, Understand the difference between tactics and strategy, Learn how to plan strong long- and short-term campaign goals, Learn how to use the spectrum of allies tool, Understand the theory behind mobilizing allies to build power, Learn the components of a strong tactic, Understand how to plan escalating tactics in a campaign, Know the difference between tactics and strategy, Learn how to work backwards on a timeline to plan a campaign.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Campaign Planning 401: Tactics and Escalation

    Training Materials

    Created for SPROG: Know the difference between service-based, education-based, and change-based campaigns, Understand the three types of power (power over, power with, and power within), Understand the components that make up a strategic campaign, Understand the difference between tactics and strategy, Learn how to plan strong long- and short-term campaign goals, Learn how to use the spectrum of allies tool, Understand the theory behind mobilizing allies to build power, Learn the components of a strong tactic, Understand how to plan escalating tactics in a campaign, Know the difference between tactics and strategy, Learn how to work backwards on a timeline to plan a campaign.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Campaign Strategy


    A guide on Campaign Strategy terms and frameworks, with a focus on fossil fuel divestment. This resources covers definition of a campaign, spectrum of support, act-absorb-train, power mapping, and SMART goals.

  • Campaign Development

    Campaign Strategy 101


    This training provides an overview of the campaign strategy methodology used by Beyond the Bomb and taught at the Maryland Institute College of Arts Center for Social Design. This is a field developed and tested methodology which incorporates best practices and lessons learned from decades of movement history into a framework for modern campaigning. This session is designed to provide all participants with the skills needed to build strategic, targeted campaigns that maximize the impact of resources, build sustained power for the long term, and unite campaigners across issue areas to achieve systemic change.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Campaign Strategy 101 Workbook


    Template and Workbook to aid in facilitation of a campaign strategy

  • Campaign Development

    Campaign Strategy Worksheet


    This document is a great place to write out your Commitment campaign goals and tactics. Make sure to consult the Strategic Campaign Planning resource for some best practices.

  • Allyship

    Checklist for White Allies


    A compilation of "ally behavior" for which white individuals can evaluate the behaviors that they exhibit working alongside POC.

  • AntiOppression

    CIRCLE: Ableism and Our Movements 9.21.20


    To acknowledge what true liberation looks like, we have to acknowledge that most people that are impacted by the systems we talk about are disabled. 

  • Allyship

    Class Struggle & Mental Health


    This zine explores mental health as it relates to libertarian/anarchist activism. Through their discussions, they discovered the prevalence of depression, mental illness, and emotional stress within radical spaces. The text covers general advice, management strategies, personal accounts, advice from anarchist/radical mental health workers, and more. It isn’t a substitute for professional mental health advice, but it’s a good starting point for raising these issues in anarchist spaces.

    Warning: This zine contains reference to suicide.

  • Political Education

    Climate Change Negotiations: How Domestic Policy and International Policy Intersect


    The Paris Agreement provides a framework for how countries are supposed to work together to stay below 1.5 degrees Celsius warming on average. Each country makes a pledge to commiting to its fair share of climate action. Our international, youth-led coalition pushed for ambitious targets and climate justice and equity leading up to the US climate pledge (Biden Leaders Summit on Climate), as well as in pledges around the world. It is important that we understand what decisions are being made and have the resources to demand just, equitable solutions from our leaders. We want participants to understand the international policy conversations around climate change that are happening, deepen knowledge around the role that the US plays in the conversation, and identify ways to build collective power on just implementation of the US pledge. 

  • Climate Justice

    Climate Justice 101: The World We Have, The World We Want

    Training Materials

    Created for SPROG: Learn new anti-oppression vocabulary, Understand how climate change and systems of oppression are connected and interrelated, Understand our shared challenges and our shared solutions, Understand that fighting climate change requires us to reach beyond individual-oriented solutions and address the root causes of exploitation and oppression, Develop a shared understanding of “extractive economy” and how this economic model leads to climate change, social and economic inequity, Learn the six steps of the Just Transition Framework and explore what they could look like in practice as we organize to move our society beyond an extractive economy to a regenerative economy.

  • Climate Justice

    Climate Justice 201: Toward a Just Transition

    Training Materials

    Created for SPROG: Learn new anti-oppression vocabulary, Understand how climate change and systems of oppression are connected and interrelated, Understand our shared challenges and our shared solutions, Understand that fighting climate change requires us to reach beyond individual-oriented solutions and address the root causes of exploitation and oppression, Develop a shared understanding of “extractive economy” and how this economic model leads to climate change, social and economic inequity, Learn the six steps of the Just Transition Framework and explore what they could look like in practice as we organize to move our society beyond an extractive economy to a regenerative economy.

  • Community Engagement

    Climate Resilience & Religion: Where Do Places of Worship Fit In?


    Climate Resilience & Religion explores the ways different places of worship incorporate sustainability into their spaces, a topic especially appropriate for youth who seek the spiritual support of religious communities as they confront the extreme urgency of taking action in our current climate crisis. This session includes an interfaith discussion about how places of worship can and do integrate sustainable strategies into their spaces, through the lens of climate justice and community care. 

  • Mentorship

    Co-Metorship Toolkit


    This free tool kit supports shared learning for both members of a mentorship pair. It provides a progression of activities that pairs can use to self-facilitate meaningful conversation related to personal and professional growth. 

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    College Climate Activism 101


    Join us as we talk with current student organizers about their current college activism, what they think is uniquely powerful about student organizing, and how you may get started on your campus

  • Narrative Building

    Communications 101: Framing and Messaging

    Training Materials

    Created for SPROG: Understand what strategic messaging and frames are and why they are important, Understand the crucial role of values in campaign messaging, Learn to tailor messaging to a particular audience.

  • Community Defense

    Community Defense Zone Starter Guide


    Guide to starting Community Defense Zone campaigns includes tools, examples and templates. The guide is geared towards creating community-based sanctuary, countering criminalization, and changing policies at local and state levels.

  • Allyship

    Community Solidarity

    Training Materials

    Created for SPROG: Understand how to approach a community and speak about resources and intentions, Value the development and support of campaigns that are driven by voice, Be able to recognize the limitations of the Sierra Student Coalition model in certain organizing settings and learn how to adapt familiar organizing models to better suit community needs, Recognize intergenerational, horizontal collaborations an anti-oppressive tool, Be able to apply knowledge gained from anti-oppression trainings (identity and privilege) and begin to explore the roles of power and solidarity in community work.

  • Research Justice/Participatory Action Research

    Conducting Interviews


    An overview of an interview project. It focuses on participatory research; research done for and by individuals in the community. Interviews by community members allow us to document what is going on in our community, learn more about ourselves and give voice to individuals who are often denied presence and visibility in our society.

  • Community Defense

    Confidence. Courage. Connection. Trust.


    Sub-titled “A Proposal for Security Culture” this text is a long and insightful reframing of “security culture,” focusing on a shift from fear to confidence, from risk aversion to courage, from isolation to connection, and from suspicion to trust. It is written from the premise that being welcoming and open to new people is important and that a way to accomplish that end is to implement a strong and shared security culture within anarchist circles. This text includes updated discussions focused on repression in recent years, shifts towards online and digital communication, and refinement of practices.

  • Facilitation and Running a Good Meeting

    Consensus: A Brief Introductory Guide


    Consensus is a process for group decision-making. It is a democratic method by which an entire group of people can come to an agreement. The input and ideas of all participants are gathered and synthesized to arrive at a final decision acceptable to all. Through consensus, we are not only working to achieve better solutions, but also to promote the growth of community and trust.

  • Community Defense

    Copwatch 101


    Copwatch groups seek to end police repression through directly monitoring police while they are engaging the public through questioning, detainment, or arrest. Copwatch volunteers spend time walking the streets, observing police and witnessing/recording police interactions with citizens on camera, videotape, audiotape, and/or paper. They often concentrate in areas where known “trouble-making cops” are assigned or areas of high police activity. Copwatch groups also advise people of their rights and listen to their stories.

  • Digital Organizing

    Creating Transformative Online Space


    In a matter of weeks our movements, work and communities have suddenly moved online. Hard conversations, strategy meetings, strategic planning and healing circles are occurring on zoom and in google hangouts instead of in our offices, living rooms, cafes and conference rooms.

  • AntiOppression

    Creative Interventions Toolkit


    This Toolkit promotes an approach called community-based interventions to violence or what some call community accountability or transformative justice as a way to break isolation and to create solutions to violence from those who are most affected by violence – survivors and victims of violence, friends, family and community. It asks us to look to those around us to gather together to create grounded, thoughtful community responses.

    It builds on our connections and caring rather than looking at solutions that rely only on separation and disconnections from our communities. It invites us to involve even those who harm us as potential allies in stopping that harm and as active partners in deeply changing attitudes and behaviors towards a solution to violence. It expands the idea of violence and it's solutions from that between individuals to one that includes communities – both close and intimate communities and the broader communities of which we are a part.

  • Facilitation and Running a Good Meeting

    Crowd-sourced Icebreakers


    This document holds a list of questions to ask at the top of a meeting to help break the ice and open up opportunities for community building. 

  • Social Movements

    Culture Sharing: 3 Strengths & 1 Concern


    Participants share 3 things about their culture that they are proud of, and 1 thing that concerns them. This is followed by a debrief with another participant.

  • Demonstration Safety

    De-Escalation: A User Guide


    This handout is for groups interested in building an ongoing de-escalation practice. We understand de-escalation as one tool among many that we can use to preserve the integrity of their events and those of their allies, and a way to build skills and trust-based relationships. 

  • Climate Justice

    Demystifying Renewable Energy Development and Green Jobs


    This workshop will educate participants on how the electricity sector works (the largest contributor to climate change), and how everyone can be part of changing that system. Our goal as an organization is to provide access to all the benefits of cleantech and solar energy to youth activists via flexible paid remote jobs, and to utility ratepayers by offering an opportunity to divest from fossil fuels and save on their monthly bill. Far too often youth labor is taken for granted and discredited. Yet, there is immense knowledge, skill, and power within our community. This workshop will empower young activists with the knowledge that there is an opportunity to utilize our passion and people skills in green jobs. 

  • Community Defense

    Deportation Defense Manual


    Make the Road New York created this website and bilingual (English and Spanish) guide to help support immigrant communities targeted by the Trump administration. Note: The guide is written for New York City so some information may not apply elsewhere. Make the Road offers detailed trainings on the content in this manual.

  • Community Defense

    Digital Security for Activists


    This zine explores various issues related to computer security including basic principles for staying safe, a look at anonymity, picking passwords, the dangers of Google, etc. It’s a good mix of “how to” type information and narratives that tell important stories about why digital security is important. It is published by the collective who provides Internet services for various anarchist and anti-authoritarian projects.

  • Direct Action

    Direct Action Survival Guide


    A basic introduction to participating in a large-scale direct action protest (although the tips would likely be helpful for smaller scale actions too). Covers affinity groups, staying safe on the streets (crowd dynamics, police, using the buddy system, etc.), basic medical information, chemical weapons (their use/effects and how to mitigate those effects), and jail and court solidarity. If you are going to read just one zine on direct action, this is arguably one of the most important.

  • Direct Action

    Direct Action Tactics


    This zine offers a broad overview of direct action tactics. It begins by explaining the importance of affinity groups and moves into an overview of a broad range of direct action tactics including: pie-ing, squatting, culture jamming, jail solidarity, lock-downs and blockades, sabotage, street reclaiming, guerrilla gardening, and more.

  • Fossil Fuel Divestment

    Do we need a global treaty to manage a just transition?


    This session introduces the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. This is a general session walking through the concept of a Treaty featuring the voices from our global network, including leaders from the Global South, youth, journalists, and activists.

    We make a case for why a Treaty specifically focused on fossil fuels is required to compliment the Paris Agreement and to ensure an equitable transition away from coal, oil, and gas. 

  • Campaign Development

    Don't Wait Until a Crisis Hits: Get Your Organization Ready for a Rapid Response Campaign


    Watch this recorded webinar to 1- learn the ins and outs of rapid-response campaigning 2- get the inside story of Equality North Carolina's powerful rapid response campaign against the dangerous anti-LGBTQ legislation in the state 3- learn the steps to integrate rapid-response infrastructure into your workflow so next time major news breaks in your issue area you’ll be ready

  • Coalition Building

    Edible Wild Plants of West Michigan, Volume 1



    This zine is designed to give folks an easy introduction to foraging in Grand Rapids and the greater West Michigan area. Whereas other field guides and foraging books focus on an almost overwhelming number of plants, we stick to fourteen plants that are reasonably easy to find: Ramps (Wild Leeks), Wild Garlic, Wild Asparagus, Lamb’s Quarters, Juneberry, Wild Bergamot, Black Raspberry, Blackberry, Purslane, Dandelion, Hen-of-the-Woods, Dryad’s Saddle, Chicken-of-the-Woods, Blue Violet, and Crabapple. There is at least one photo of every plant and line drawings for many of them. Many of these plants should be able to be found elsewhere in the Midwest and Eastern United States.

  • Community Building

    Edible, Medicinal, & Utilitarian Plants: Vol. 1


    This zine is a great introduction to identifying, foraging, and using what the authors term “weeds” and “common plants.” The authors wrote it to be an introductory-level guide for anarchists to get more acquainted with the land. It has tips on all sorts of different plants from the well-known dandelion and yarrow to more obscure things like wild carrot. The authors explain how to use parts of easily identifiable trees. For example, you can make a tea out of pine needles that is packed with vitamin C.

  • Community Engagement

    Energy Democracy - what is it and radical steps moving forward


    Green Neighbor Challenge and Power Shift Network co-hosted an introductory conversation on Energy Democracy including

    - what it is

    - why it matters (in general & in the climate justice movement)

    - the radical steps to take towards a just, clean future for all

  • Community Engagement

    Energy Democracy in Action: Youth participation in Rural Electric Cooperatives


    Rural Electric Cooperatives serve more than 40 million people whose households have an ownership stake and a right to vote on the governing Boards of their utility. Young people can get involved in many ways, whether or not the utility has specific programs for youth, and democratic participation can make a difference! Three member-owner all-stars in Alabama, North Carolina, and Virginia host this session office hours to talk about ways to get involved in good governance and accelerate investment in local clean energy upgrades that create local jobs. 

  • Community Defense

    Engaging Your Lawmakers on Climate Action


    This session will provide young people the tools they need to meet with their lawmakers on the important issues they care about. The session will be led by Defend Our Future and Our Climate student leaders who are working on climate justice and clean energy. They take participants through an arc of engagement - from how to request your meeting, dos and don'ts during an office visit, and steps for remaining engaged with your lawmaker and their office. 

    Too often, people of color - and their communities - are not at the decision-making table. We want to help change that by providing our experience and opportunities so that others can raise their voices on the issues that will impact us all.

  • Climate Justice

    Engineers & Architects Career Panel


    This Career Panel is an opportunity for young people to learn from engineers and architects' alignment with movement values to talk about their journeys and their advice - especially in regards to the environmentalism movement.

  • Climate Justice

    Environmental Justice & Energy Democracy: The Wow and the Real


    Presenters Bob Blake, Janiece Watts, Marcus Mills and Timothy DenHerder-Thomas engage in a hard-hitting conversation about the many elements of navigating, achieving and changing lives for the better, in the real world of Energy Democracy and Environmental Justice innovation in the midst of the dense, ever shifting and complex landscapes of Minnesota’s massive environmental movement.

  • AntiOppression

    Equity, Inclusion & Diversity Hiring Toolkit


    Guide to mitigate racial, gender, and other hidden biases in recruiting and hiring processes within your institution/group. Touches on job posting, resume screening process, and conducting interviews.

  • Event Planning

    Events for Organizing


    This resource provides best practices for recruiting for and running successful events as well as tabling sessions.

  • Digital Organizing

    Facebook-Optimized Videos for Organizers


    Learn how organizers are using short Facebook-optimized videos to mobilize audiences. You’ll learn the secret formula for creating videos that get watched and shared. You'll also pick up the skills needed to film, edit, and launch your videos on Facebook and other platforms.

  • Facilitation and Running a Good Meeting

    Facilitation Training

    Training Materials

    Created for SPROG: Understand the importance of facilitation for effective groups and campaigns, Know the basics of how to facilitate.

  • Demonstration Safety

    Facing Attack Challenge

    Training Materials

    Outlining 4 main ways to deal with verbal attacks, with time to apply each in a hypothetical scenario.

  • Community Accountability

    Failures of Human-Centered Design Thinking the Future of Ecosystemic Design


    Failures of Human-Centered Design Thinking the Future of Ecosystemic Design

  • Fossil Fuel Divestment

    Fight Against Industry-Generated Misinformation


    Since 2010, petrochemical industries have used false/misleading messages developed for a “debunk Cancer Alley Myth” campaign to deny and downplay health risks, avoid environmental regulation, and influence public opinion. This session will provide specific examples showing how continued promotion and use of the industry-generated misinformation by facility spokespersons, elected representatives, and government health and environmental officials exacerbate health and economic disparities. Affected Cancer Alley residents will give personal accounts of the resulting range of devastating health impacts. Presentations will be followed by a facilitated discussion and session participants will be invited to join a new initiative employing evidence-based practices designed to neutralize industry-generated disinformation and promote meaningful progress on Environmental Justice and climate change.

  • Fundraising

    Financial Literacy for the Black Community


    Closing the racial wealth gap isn’t a simple fix. But many experts say education and financial literacy can help. In this article, we identify the impact this knowledge gap has on the African American community — and explore how Black educators and financial advisors are working to close it.

  • Leadership Development

    Financial Literacy for the Black Community


    It is a financial literacy article with topics including:
    - Socioeconomic and cultural barriers
    - The role of Black financial advisors

  • Fossil Fuel Divestment

    Fossil Fuel Divestment Financial Literacy 101


    Common financial arguments made against fossil fuel divestment and counterpoints.

  • Community Engagement

    Freedom Dreaming 4 Collective Liberation


    In this session organizers from Youth Vs Apocalypse ground folks in the reality of what we are up against, which is a society built upon the belief and practice that people are disposable. This is the true cause of the climate crisis. Because of this, climate justice has to be about dismantling all of the foundational systems of oppression that perpetuate that practice and belief. But, how can we get there if we can't envision what it will look, feel, smell, taste, sound like? In this workshop we will freedom dream so we can win!

  • AntiOppression

    From Roots to Fruits: El Paso's colonial tradition and how to break free from it


    A look into the history of colonialism in the El Paso region and how the combination of capitalist conditions will motivate new liberation struggles. In this presentation, the influences of imperialist interventions and insurrectionary revolts are compared to the modern problems faced in and around the El Paso-Juarez metropolis, with the hopes of charting a way beyond the colonial organization of labor and power

  • Community Building

    From Wildfire Crisis to Community Resilience - Charting a Just Transition


    This video is about the devastating wildfires across the west that happened during the summer of 2020. Despite the odds, impacted communities at the frontlines of this season’s wildfires are banding together, building inspiring networks of mutual aid and stepping up hand-in-hand to create solutions to protect lives and homes. In this discussion, you will hear from the voices of those who have been most impacted, and explore effective, community-centered solutions towards future wildfire safety.

  • Fundraising

    Funders Panel and Q & A


    A panel of program officers from the Mertz Gilmore Foundation, the Solutions Project and the Compton Foundation answered previosuly-submitted questions about foundation-based fundraising in the youth climate movement.

  • Fundraising

    Fundraising 101 with Lydia


    Lydia Avila, PSN's ex-ED, goes through the basics of fundraising through private foundations: the typical process for building a relationship with the foundation and applying for a grant. She also covers the basic parts of a proposal and shares best practices for follow up and reporting.

  • Social Movements

    Gender and Climate Action


    Gender identification can impact how the climate crisis affects communities and individuals. In order to understand these effects, we need to understand and recognize the different ways in which gender plays a role in combating the climate crises and can act as a barrier for some individuals. This discussion will allow the audience to reflect on how gender is an important part of climate change discussions. 

  • Leadership Development

    Getting a job in the climate & environmental movements


    Join PSN's ED Dany as she walks through best practices and demystifies the hiring process for young professionals looking for full-time, salaried work in the climate and environmental movements.

  • Digital Organizing

    Getting Started with Facebook Live


    Watch this webinar to learn how you can use Facebook Live to amplify your next action and bring people into the movement. This webinar covers: 1- The basics of Facebook Live - how to broadcast, how to build an audience, and how to interact with viewers 2- How to move people from Facebook spectators to movement participants 3- The gear that will improve the quality of your broadcast.

  • Community Accountability

    Government & Policy Making Career Panel


    This Career Panel is an opportunity for young people to learn from government and policy makers' alignment with movement values to talk about their journeys and their advice - especially in regards to the environmentalism movement.

  • Narrative Building

    Graphic Design Using Canva


    This is a Canva 101 training for organizers who are looking to expand their graphic design skills to build a brand for their movement. 

  • Fundraising

    Grassroots Fundraising Guide


    This resource provides some best practices for campaign fundraising on campus.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Guide to Power Mapping


    This resource helps you think through who has power on your campus and who the primary and secondary targets of your campaign are.

  • Community Accountability

    Harm-Free Zone Project General Framework


    Assistance on developing community accountability & a harm free zone.

  • Fossil Fuel Divestment

    Hearing from Successful Divestment Campaigns


    In this webinar, we will hear answers to these questions and more from a panel of organizers from divestment campaigns that won. No two campaigns are alike, but we aim to equip current student organizers with skills, strategy, and wisdom that they can use to move decision-makers and their campuses.

  • Coalition Building

    Home Remedies for Common Maladies


    This zine provides a basic introduction to herbalism alongside a collection of home remedies for common health problems. The information is organized into broad categories based on body parts (head, abdomen, etc) and then from there conditions and symptoms. It’s easy to use and a good introduction to DIY healthcare. There is also a lengthy suggested resources section that recommends additional sources. The zine was published by Rosehip Medic Collective, a street medic collective out of Portland, Oregon.

  • AntiOppression

    How the Values of Oppressive Systems Tend to Arise in Organizations


    Points out how white supremacy, racism, ableism, sexism, and other forms of oppression can often show up in our organizations unnoticed, and tactics to interrupt those undetected norms.

  • Allyship

    How to Be Real: Allies, Accomplices, & Anti-Oppression

    Training Materials

    Explore allyship framework and provide tangible tools to leverage privilege in a way that builds supportive coalition for those being oppressed. Includes an interactive "Privilege Walk" activity.

  • Fossil Fuel Divestment

    How to File a Legal Complaint for Fossil Fuel Divestment


    This is an extensive guide for divestment campaigns working to file a legal complaint with their state's attorney general. The guide includes the purpose and process of filing a complaint as well as a template, helpful contacts, and other resources.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    How to Organize a Protest March


    This zine provides a basic outline of how to organize a “protest march.” This is defined as your basic, run-of-the-mill march. Whether or not we like them, anarchists seem to frequently get into positions where they feel compelled to organize such marches. This guide will help you do that with ease–or help make a case against doing it.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    How to Table


    A short guide on best practices and tips for tabling and how to develop a tabling rap, particularly on college campuses.

  • Narrative Building

    How to use story-based strategy to win campaigns, build movements and change the world


    As the resistance fights back in the era of “alternative facts,” making meaning through effective framing has never been more important. Progressive movements face threats in every arena, and we must remember that while the facts may be on our side, we need to tell our stories in ways that are strategic, compelling, and actionable. 1- Learn about narrative power analysis and the elements of a winning campaign story; 2- Reflect on inspiring examples of effective framing and storytelling from contemporary movements like #BlackLivesMatter, climate justice, anti-war and migrant justice; 3-Get tools to strengthen your own narrative strategies.

  • Immigration/Migration/Refugee

    Immigration + Climate Justice


    We are witnessing modern day low-intensity war zones in areas like the U.S.-Mexico border. The U.S. treats migrants and immigrants as enemies by blurring lines between security, policing, and war. The U.S. and Global North’s emissions of greenhouse gases force many to leave their home to find more stable environments where they can expect to find food, water, and relative safety compared to the home they’re fleeing. As the climate crisis worsens, the more militarized borders and climate related protests become. PSN's 2nd discussion for our fall webinar series dove into the U.S. immigration system and its impact on our movement for climate justice and collective liberation.

  • AntiOppression

    Imperialism and International Solidarity


    The Phoenix Environmental Justice Coalition tells the story of colonialism, capitalism, and imperialism and its effects on the land and people. They identify the military-industrial complex/prison industrial complex as the enforcers of these systems and connects it to the nationwide and international Black Lives Matter movement. This is an educational presentation calling for international solidarity, migrant justice, environmental justice, climate justice, and prison/military abolition.

  • Fossil Fuel Divestment

    International cooperation for a just transition


    This session is a discussion on the need to go beyond divestment strategies with global leaders and scientists, flagging that market shifts alone will cause inequity and humanitarian disasters, and identifying the need for governments to agree on an equitable global framework to manage the just transition away from fossil fuels to ensure energy access for all.

    The purpose of this session is to create space for a critical strategy discussion on how to end the harmful extractive practices around the world through a fossil fuel phase out. After this session, you will be able to create local action, urging your governmental bodies to act by endorsing the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, and not continue to talk exclusively about divestment and finance strategies.

  • Climate Justice

    Intersectional Organizing: Fair Trade, Climate & Racial Justice


    This session will explore Fair Trade Campaigns' model of organizing for Fair Trade on college campuses and in communities across the U.S., one that is based on collaboration, education, inclusion and stakeholder engagement. We will also explore the intersections that can be drawn between Fair Trade advocacy and climate & racial justice. The session will provide tips and best practices for effective organizing and engage attendees as thought partners around intersectionality across movements.

  • Climate Justice

    Intersectionalities of Racism (Climate & Environmental Justice)


    This session highlights the interconnecting through-lines between racism, colonialism, class/racial caste warfare and the climate / EJ movement, and enrich participants' historical contextual knowledge of where the roots of structural racism connect even the most innocuous nad ubiquitous aspects of everyday life, especially those where the EJ movement is struggling to succeed.

  • AntiOppression


    Training Materials

    2 hour training on systems of oppression and how they intersect

  • AntiOppression

    Intro to Environmental Justice

    Training Materials

    Covering topics of Environmental racism and environmental justice, this lesson helps students understand how pollution disproportionately affects people who are poor and members of racial and ethnic minorities as well as use a map to locate environmental injustice.

  • Research Justice/Participatory Action Research

    Intro to Research Justice Toolkit


    Intended for community organizers to apply tools and concepts of Research Justice to organizing. This toolkit encourages marginalized communities to recognize their own expertise and to develop their own analysis of the issues that impact them. We hope readers use this toolkit to spark their own conversations about community-driven research strategies. In each section we have included sample workshops from our Research Justice Training Program as suggested guides for these discussions.

  • Mutual Aid

    Introduction to Mutual Aid and Community Defense


    We talk with 3 organizers about their experience doing community defense work in various settings. We’ll also offer a brief introduction to an interactive Community Defense Beginners Guide & Interactive Workbook created by PSN’s very own social media lead, Kourtney Dunning.

  • Community Defense

    Know Your Rights to Defend Your Rights


    Bilingual (English and Spanish) Know Your Rights information and materials for police & ICE encounters.

  • Community Defense

    Lawyers Career Panel


    This Career Panel is an opportunity for young people to learn from biologists and scientists' alignment with movement values to talk about their journeys and their advice - especially in regards to the environmentalism movement.

  • Leadership Development



    Good community organizing involves leadership development. This resource discusses valuable leadership styles and skills necessary for a successful campaign.

  • Leadership Development

    Leadership Development 101: Building an Effective Team

    Training Materials

    Recognize and appreciate different leadership styles, Understand why welcoming diversity in leadership styles is an anti-oppressive practice, Recognize the importance of leadership development in campaign work, Understand the concept of the Leadership Ladder, Learn how to plan an Indy Meeting.

  • Leadership Development

    Leadership Development 201: Roles and Delegation

    Training Materials

    Recognize and appreciate different leadership styles, Understand why welcoming diversity in leadership styles is an anti-oppressive practice, Recognize the importance of leadership development in campaign work, Understand the concept of the Leadership Ladder, Learn how to plan an Indy Meeting.

  • Leadership Development

    Leadership Development Best Practices


    A resource on leadership development, covering principles, guidelines, and tools/tips of leadership development. This resource covers ladder of engagement, how it relates to the Act-Absorb-Train Cycle, one-to-ones and propositions, and mentorship.

  • Leadership Development

    Leadership Development Training

    Training Materials

    A 1 hr 45 min training on leadership development, including Ladder of Engagement, one-to-ones, propositions, and creating an inclusive/accountable culture.

  • Demonstration Safety

    Love the People: Building Power Through Sanctuary Part 2: Defending Our Demonstrations and Movement Spaces


    This webinar covers:

    1. interventions at our rallies and marches
    2. marshaling principles and tactics
    3. creative ways to support collective action.
  • AntiOppression

    Making Accessible Events


    Accessibility checklist with feedback from disability rights advocates

  • Community Engagement

    Mapping Our Futures: Economics and Governance Curriculum

    Curriculum & Resource Bank

    This curriculum explores our economic and governance systems through a participatory community-based process to create knowledge and share solutions that foster community, equity and healthy communities.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Mapping the Right: Reflections and Resistance


    This two-hour webinar features movement leaders and organizers on the ground as they examine the rise of the conservative right and the failure of neo-liberalism, the impact of Trump trans-nationally, emerging global trends and alliances, and specific case studies of opportunites and threats, existing organizing infrastructures, paths of resistance and support for new economies in the south and rural U.S. Speakers brainstorm with each other and the audience to strategize around the critical role of the legal community in this political moment.

  • Community Engagement

    Mary Heglar & Amy Westervelt: "Taking Back The Climate Narrative"


    Power Shift 2021 Convergence, Taking Back The Climate Narrative, Mary Heglar, Amy Westervelt


    Watch the recording of the session here. 

  • Demonstration Safety

    Mask Up: How & Why


    This zine explains how to cover your face in a protest situation. It recommends a simple t-shirt mask to conceal as much of your face as possible in order to prevent surveillance and repression. Spreading a practice of concealing one’s identity in protest situations is an excellent practice to help keep people safer. Regardless of whether or not you are doing anything deemed illegal by the state, masking up is always a best practice to avoid doxxing and harassment.

  • AntiOppression

    Me & White Supremacy


    "Part education, part activation, the Me And White Supremacy Workbook is a first-of-its-kind personal anti-racism tool for people holding white privilege to begin to examine and dismantle their complicity in the oppressive system of white supremacy."

  • Narrative Building

    Media & Messaging Guide


    What do you say when people say -- at a meeting, an event, tabling, etc -- "What are you doing?" What is the story out there in the world about your organization & your campaign? Use this guide to craft thoughtful, powerful messages about your efforts and maximize your media presence!

  • Facilitation and Running a Good Meeting

    Meeting Arc and Facilitation


    A guideline on "The Meeting Arc", a framework for effective meeting facilitation.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Meeting with Decision-Makers

    Training Materials

    Created for SPROG: Understand that meeting with decision-makers is a tactic that is part of a larger strategy, Learn a 9-step process for an effective meeting with a decision-maker.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Meeting With Elected Officials or Their Staff in Person


    Best practices for before, during and after meeting with decision makers.

  • Facilitation and Running a Good Meeting

    Meetings for Organizing


    This resource provides tips on how to facilitate successful and meaningful group and one-to-one meetings.

  • Research Justice/Participatory Action Research

    Mental Health Issues Faced in the Black Community


    This reading dives into mental health within the African American community. It includes statistics and other pertinent information. 

  • Health justice

    Mental Health Issues Facing the Black Community


    We chat about statistics and other pertinent information related to mental health within Black communities.

  • Political Education

    Militarism 101


    This is an interactive workshop that grounds participants in a shared analysis of what we understand as “the problem” of militarism we are fighting against. What's covered in this workshop is the root causes of militarism and global policing, its intersections as climate justice, police abolition, gender justice issue, and more. We offer some paths forward for building a justice anti-militarist movement ecosystem that defunds war, policing, and invests in a regenerative and life-sustaining economy.

  • Social Movements

    Momentum Self-Guided Syllabus

    Curriculum & Resource Bank

    Brilliant training and learning series for understanding social movements, and how we can build one in this lifetime to confront the crises of this era.

  • Abolition

    More Dangerous Than A Thousand Rioters - Lucy Parsons


    Anarchism is not a new concept and has often been white washed. Lucy Parsons was a Black leading figure in American socialism, anarchism, and the radical labor movement in the 1800s. This zine takes a look at her life and work in the movement.


    Lucy Parsons zine


    A blue and black A sign site in the background of this graphic. There is fire popping out on the top left corner of it. A black and white image of Lucy Parsons is in front of the A and the words "<ore Dangerous Than A Thousand Rioters Lucy Parsons I am an anarchist" are written across the graphic

  • Climate Justice

    Movement Generation: Just Transition Zine

    Training Materials

    A strategic framework for a Just Transition 

  • Fossil Fuel Divestment

    Moving Our States Off Fossil Fuels Webinar


    100% Renewable Energy bills are working their way through statehouses in CO, MD, NJ, NY and VA. These bills are incredibly important not only for their impact on our air, water, and climate but because they will set the standard for renewable energy legislation to come. States are often considered the "Laboratories of Democracy" and we have an opportunity in the coming months to make our case to the rest of the country. To help kickstart these efforts FWW hosts a Climate and Energy Webinar to look into state level renewable energy campaigns.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Multiply and Mobilize Part One: Narratives and Strategies for Resisting Divide and Conquer Tactics


    In Part One of our Webinar Series, we break down Divide & Conquer tactics and outline resistance strategies, utilizing storytelling as a way of better understanding how these tactics can impact our communities.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Multiply and Mobilize Part Three: When We Fight We Win – Building the Rebel Alliance


    In the third and final chapter of our Multiply and Mobilize webinar series, we dig deep into how we can be leveraging this political moment to build strong and effective alliances across difference for collective liberation.

  • Community Engagement

    Nexus Community Partners Institute for Community Engagement

    Curriculum & Resource Bank

    Resources (videos, case studies, assessment tools) about authentic community engagement practice with equity at the center. 

  • Fossil Fuel Divestment

    No New Wine in Old Bottles Replacing FERC with FREC



    Beyond Extreme Energy and 250 other groups support replacing FERC, the fossil fuel rubber-stamping Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, with FREC, the Federal Renewable Energy Commission. FREC would have a mandate to help lead a justice-grounded, community-involving, urgent shift away from fossil fuels to renewables, battery storage, and efficiency. This session explains why this campaign emerged in connection with the Green New Deal initiative, what has happened in those two years, and how legislation in Congress combined with grassroots organizing can move this forward, and why it is so essential for major changes with FERC.

  • Climate Justice

    No Warming, No War: How militarism fuels the climate crisis and vice versa


    This interactive workshop is climate and militarism 101. This session will explore the relationship between climate change and militarism. Militarism directly contributes to climate change, and it represents one of the more alarming responses to climate threats and climate-related migration. But the U.S. war economy also presents an opportunity to redirect significant military resources, including money, infrastructure, and people, toward implementing solutions to climate change. Rooted in the strategy framework for a just transition, this interactive workshop will illustrate the role of militarism in the extractive economy and guide participants towards an articulation of climate justice that includes demilitarization.  

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Non-Profit Work & Community Organizing Career Panel


    This Career Panel is an opportunity for young people to learn from non-profit and community organizers' alignment with movement values to talk about their journeys and their advice - especially in regards to the environmentalism movement.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing



    A 2-page handout on what one-to-one meetings are and how to conduct them. Made by Alyssa Lee at Better Future Project.

  • Facilitation and Running a Good Meeting

    Online Meeting Facilitation Tips & Resources


    Here is the Online Meeting Facilitation training recording and a quick 2-page summary of the tips shared. We know that we will need to continue growing our (virtual) facilitation skills to keep organizing for our communities no matter what. 

    We also encourage anyone looking to deepen their facilitation practice to check out the resources at Trainings for Change.

  • Climate Change Communications

    Online Youth Exchange


    Recordings of our Youth-led webinar trainings to discuss Issues, Solutions or Strategies related to climate change as it related to youth around the world. Connect & brainstorm with youth activists to develop replicable solutions to be implemented in your own community. 

  • Community Engagement

    Open Space - Tool for Participant Led Conversations

    Training Materials

    Understand Open Space Technology as a tool to facilitate emergent group conversation, Learn from fellow participants through exploring topics and creating caucus spaces.

  • Allyship

    Opportunities for White People in the Fight for Racial Justice


    Chart differentiating the roles of Actors, Allies, and Accomplices for white folks to act on in various categories of their lives. The goal is to challenge the participant to shift from Actor into being effective Allies or Accomplices.

  • Campaign Development

    Organizing for Social Change


    4 Core Components of organizing & campaign strategy development.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Organizing Skill Rotation [2018]: Working with Media, Fundraising, Movement Songs

    Training Materials

    Created for SPROG: Understand the rich history of songs in our movements, Know how and when to respectfully utilize songs in a movement, Understand the principles of fundraising, Recognize the importance of fundraising for a purpose, Know where to find additional resources on fundraising for a campaign, Recognize the roles that different types of traditional media can play in a campaign, Understand how to attract and retain media coverage of campaign events, Have the confidence and skills to effectively promote your message through mainstream media.

  • Research Justice/Participatory Action Research

    Our Data, Our Analysis

    Training Materials

    This manual includes step-by-step facilitation instructions to conduct a data analysis workshop for survey or other quantitative analysis results. It includes four workshops created to move from getting comfortable with data to analyzing and making statements with data and developing a policy strategy to share the data. Participants will spend time thinking about audiences and key strategies for communicating the results as well as how their research will feed into their organizing agenda.

  • Narrative Building

    Our Voices, Our Land: A Guide to Community-based Strategies for Mapping Indigenous Stories


    A toolkit that assists native and tribal communities in using storytelling and mapping for cultural preservation. Many native and tribal communities across the US constantly struggle to protect their land, cultural resources, and sacred sites against development and resource ex­traction. Our Voices, Our Land features guides on how to gather stories and combine them with digitally mapped locations of community assets. It details research planning processes, how to conduct interviews, and how to create maps using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Geographic Information System (GIS).

  • Leadership Development

    Physical & Mental Health Career Panel


    This Career Panel is an opportunity for young people to learn from physical and mental health professionals' alignment with movement values to talk about their journeys and their advice - especially in regards to the environmentalism movement.


  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Planning a Rally


    A short resource on how to plan a campus rally, including roles that need to be covered and a few guidelines on speaker line-up. 

  • Allyship

    Plant Medicine of Bvlbancha


    Learn about late summer blooms and about how to build relationships with the medicinal plants that grow around you. You'll even learn about some of the plants that will be around when you (hopefully) join us and thousands of young folks in Bvlbvncha for the Power Shift 2023 convergence.

  • Zero Waste

    Plastic-Free Campuses Manual


    Compilation of best-practices from campuses around the country who are refusing single-use disposable plastics, including: how to assess where plastic is coming from on your campus, stakeholders to engage with to make change, tangible alternatives to single-use disposable plastics, and actionable next steps.

  • Research Justice/Participatory Action Research

    Power To Our People Participatory Research Kit: Creating Surveys


    A participatory research toolkit on how to do community surveys to support social justice campaigns. It includes information on all stages of the survey process—from deciding to do a survey to analyzing the information you gather.

  • Allyship

    Presentation on Allyship - QTPOC Advocacy Talk


    Speaker goes into detail of what it means to be a good ally, with a particular focus on Indigenous communities. Particularly good examples exist at 7:30-12:23 and 40:45-43:25.

  • Narrative Building

    Public Narrative 101: Story of Self

    Training Materials

    Created for SPROG: Understand the crucial role that motivation plays in organizing, Identify personal experiences that motivate us to do the work we do (why are you here today?), Begin to see how personal narrative can be used to build motivation and inspire action, Begin to recognize the diversity of experience and identity that we all bring to our movements, Understand the three stories that comprise a public narrative, Begin to see how story and narrative build motivation and power to create change, Understand the role of Anti-Oppression principles in solidarity organizing.

  • Narrative Building

    Public Narrative 201: Story of Us & Now

    Training Materials

    Created for SPROG: Understand the crucial role that motivation plays in organizing, Identify personal experiences that motivate us to do the work we do (why are you here today?), Begin to see how personal narrative can be used to build motivation and inspire action, Begin to recognize the diversity of experience and identity that we all bring to our movements, Understand the three stories that comprise a public narrative, Begin to see how story and narrative build motivation and power to create change, Understand the role of Anti-Oppression principles in solidarity organizing.

  • Community Defense

    Radical Defense


    Radical Defense covers defensive street tactics for those who will be engaging in mass street actions. It covers evacuating wounded people, breaking police holds, unarresting, breaking police lines, and defensive equipment. The zine accompanied a workshop that was given during the anti-globalization era, but much of the information is still relevant.

  • Narrative Building

    Re:Imagining Change How to use story-based strategy to win campaigns, build movements, and change the world


    Re:Imagining Change is an inspirational inside look at the trailblazing methodology developed by the non-profit strategy and training organization, Center for Story-based Strategy (formerly smartMeme). Founded in 2002, Center for Story-based Strategy offers tools, training, and strategy support to organizations and movements working for justice, ecological sanity and transformative social change. Re:Imagining Change is a summary of their approach, and a call to innovate our strategies for collectively addressing the escalating social and ecological crisis of the 21st century.

  • Climate Justice

    Real Crisis, False Solutions


     This session dives into how some industry-backed climate solutions perpetuate harm.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Recruitment Ideas


    A short resource on ideas for campus recruitment.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Recruitment, Retention, and the Leadership Ladder

    Training Materials

    Simple, 2-page training guides on Recruitment & Retention, and Leadership Development.

  • Facilitation and Running a Good Meeting

    Remote Program and Project Management


    Attached you will find tips & resources for managing a project remotely, as well as a recording of the meeting that discusses these tips. 

  • AntiOppression

    Reproductive Justice & Climate Justice


    During this webinar, our Network Engagement Director, Eriqah Vincent, is in conversation with Ash Williams and Edith Valle where they discuss exactly what reproductive justice is, how decisions in politics and law are currently affecting us, tools and resources available as we navigate this war on our bodies together, and the not so obvious but ever present connections between reproductive justice and climate justice.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Research Actions


    This resource shares some best practices for meeting and speaking with potential campaign allies.

  • AntiOppression

    Rethinking ‘Thanksgiving’ Toolkit


    The toolkit is geared for white folks to learn a more truthful history of Thanksgiving, and to connect to and support Indigenous organizing today.

  • Zero Waste

    Reusable To-Go Guide


    Step by step logistics to setting up a Reusable To-Go Container Program on campus. Determine important stakeholders, projected budget, cost savings arguments, how to distribute and collect containers, and engaging general student body. 

  • Social Movements

    Revolutionary Solidarity


    This zine contains writings that explore the concept of “solidarity.” “Solidarity” is a term that is often tossed around in anarchist circles, often without regard for what it actually means. Revolutionary Solidarity explores the question of what solidarity means in practice and how solidarity can become revolutionary. For the authors, the answer lies in making solidarity synonymous with action.

  • Leadership Development

    Role Clusters - Building the Container for a Leaderful Community

    Training Materials

    Created for SPROG: Role clusters are teams of participants who all hold the same role (Coordinator, Facilitator, Community Care, Messenger). Role Clusters work together to support the whole training community by fulfilling their key function.

  • Coalition Building

    Running a Successful Coalition


    Running a successful campaign means building a coalition. This resource helps you think through potential allies in your campus community.

  • Community Accountability

    Self Care 101

    Training Materials

    Created for SPROG: Understand how to sustain movements by caring for ourselves and each other, Analyze cultural norms of self-care, Understand the relationship between productivity & self-investment, and how we can approach self-care through an anti-oppressive lens.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Semester Kickoff Checklist


    A short resource on how to plan the start of a campus semester in your campus campaign, in a checklist format.

  • Leadership Development

    Shareholder Engagement Fact Sheet


    Reasons why shareholder engagement with fossil fuel corporations is ineffective.

  • Social Movements

    Sharing Our Stories, Sharing Ourselves


    Activities that facilitate relationship building through storytelling, recognizing commonalities and differences among participants., placing them in the context of historical systemic oppression and resistance.

  • Community Accountability

    Shifting the Plastic Pollution Narrative: Holding corporations accountable and reclaiming zero waste


    For years, many of us have been told an incomplete, misleading story of plastic pollution. One that relies on individual behavior changes and consumer choices, like recycling and buying a reusable water bottle, to mitigate the problem. But to truly solve the plastic pollution crisis requires a far more radical approach to redesign the system at the source. It requires centering the voices of those most impacted by the problem, and holding accountable those most responsible for creating the problem in the first place.

    In this workshop, Break Free From Plastic movement organizers Melissa Aguayo and Sybil Bullock will share the real story of plastic pollution, highlighting the social and environmental justice elements at the core of this crisis.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Sierra Club - Movement Organizing Manual 2016


    "This manual is designed to aid your work as an organizer: building campaigns that enlist grassroots power to achieve outcomes that improve the world. Our objective is to lay out key ideas and practices that, in our experience, result in campaigns that succeed. This includes fundamentals of building relationships, analyzing power, and writing campaign plans. We also dig into some detail on topics such as how to enter a community, enlisting volunteers and cultivating their leadership skills, connecting your campaign to a larger movement, and how to learn from success and failure to improve your skills and campaigns. "

  • Social Movements

    Small Town Organizing for Anarchists


    This zine contains a wealth of helpful suggestions for anarchists living in small towns who want to create anarchy. Topics covered include finding other anarchists, deciding on what projects to work on, figuring out how to relate to liberals, and doing a distro—this zine is full of good ideas and advice. Not only for small towns, the authors of the zine state: “If you can count the active anarchists in your areas on your fingers, this guide is for you.”

  • Digital Organizing

    Snapchat for Organizers


    Organizers of all ages are using Snapchat to pressure targets, build community, and invigorate creative campaigns. Half of Snapchat’s growing user base is over 25. This webinar covers 1- What is Snapchat? Using Geofilters, understanding key terms, and the anatomy of an effective Snapchat account 2- The history of Snapchat, and its growing 25 and older audience 3- Why and how to use Snapchat in organizing 4- Examples of effective Snapchat campaigns and key takeaways for including Snapchat in your next campaign

  • Fossil Fuel Divestment

    Social Media & Communications Strategy


    On this call, organizers from divestment campaigns will share their social media and communications strategy and tactics for promoting actions, escalations, and their campaign in general. We will cover how to use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Slack, and other tools to promote divestment on campus.

  • Digital Organizing

    Social Media Strategy and Building Online to Offline Communities


    This training will explore the power and tactics of building community with individual activists online and how to strengthen coalitions with other organizations on social media to amplify content and help organizers reach their goals.

    Young people, across race and place, must make our voices heard and build the popular, multi-racial movement for social change, centering climate, racial, and economic justice. One important way to do so is by having a strategic organic social media program that helps build the narrative of what we are for and pressures those in power to take action on our demands. 

    Through this pandemic, young organizers and the organizations that support them have an opportunity to cultivate online communities that can support each other online and offline. Just like in person / traditional organizing, we will train on social media strategies that center connecting with individuals and organizations, creating engaging content and creating pathways to crowdsource content creation, and importantly how to build coalitions/organizations that can drive action beyond social media. This must be rooted in art, culture, and determination to build our interconnectedness across movements for social change.

    Participants will leave the session with a greater understanding of how to leverage social media to build community, online coalitions, and engaging content that is tied to organizing goals on and offline. This is not, however, a graphic design training, but rather a social media strategy training.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Spectrum of Allies


    Check out this resource to help you understand who the allies and opponents of your campaign are and strategies for engaging with each group of people.

  • Fossil Fuel Divestment

    Stopping Line 3: Youth Power & Treaties


    Come learn about the movements to stop Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) and Canadian Corporation Enbridge’s Line 3! Hear from movement activists and Indigenous youth about the current urgency of shutting down these pipeline projects, and the unity of both fights. In addition, you'll learn from tribal treaty expert Dale Greene about how treaties with the Anishinaabe people relate to protecting water and reversing an extractive relationship with the land -- we are all treaty people. The youth completed a trip to DC in 2021 to demand that Biden respect treaty rights and shut down the DAPL pipeline and Line 3 construction while key appeals move through the courts, and are asking for support through action during this key time. After the planned program we’ll have space to take action and ask questions for those who wish to participate.  

  • Community Building

    Story Sharing & Resonance

    Training Materials

    Created for SPROG: Storysharing and Resonance is a practice adapted from the work of the Relational Center (, an organization which partners with social movement leaders to build a culture of radical engagement centered on relationships and empathy. At SSC we see storysharing and resonance as a practice that embodies Principle #9 about prioritizing relationships and centering them in our work. This practice helps community members build trust with each other, and also witness the critical role that vulnerability plays in powerful leadership and resilient relationships.

  • Narrative Building

    Story-Based Strategy 101


    Story-based strategy tools allow change makers working alone or facilitating large groups to develop effective strategies to create a world where the goals and futures we imagine are possible or inevitable. The tools are facilitated, participatory activities that help amplify frontline community expertise on critical issues. 

  • Narrative Building

    Storytelling for Organizing


    Effective storytelling is a key skill for successful leadership. This resource walks you through structuring and developing your story.

  • Campaign Development

    Strategic Campaign Planning


    This resources provides some best practices for getting a Commitment campaign started on your campus.

  • Climate Change Communications

    Strategies for Effective Engagement


    Guide to communicating with decision makers, building coalitions, project management and smart goal development to be able to make a difference in your own community.

  • Coalition Building

    Strengthening our Connections to Build Collective Action in the Fight for Climate Justice



    This panel features presentations from three environmental justice organizations - American Forests, WE ACT for Environmental Justice and Intersectional Environmentalist - on their groundbreaking work and distinct approaches to collective action in climate justice through long-term career building, education and education policy, and coalition building.

  • Community Defense

    Students' Rights: Speech, Walkouts, & Other Protests


    Information for public school students when protesting.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    Summer Projects for Campaigns


    A list of ideas of projects that college campaigns can do during summer and other extended breaks.

  • Health justice

    Supporting African American Health and Wellness


    Provides insightful information and help to African Americans who may be dealing with drug and/or alcohol problems.

  • Digital Organizing

    Targeting Corporations Through Digital Campaigning


    This training covers the basics of online campaigning applied to targeting corporations. We cover the strategies, tactics and tools tried and tested by SumOfUs over the years to achieve impact and create change.

  • Leadership Development

    Teachers and Educators Career Panel


    This Career Panel is an opportunity for young people to learn from teachers and educators' alignment with movement values to talk about their journeys and their advice - especially in regards to the environmentalism movement.


  • Volunteer Engagement

    Team Internet: What We Learned Organizing to Save Net Neutrality


    Watch this webinar recording to learn how the Team Internet coalition: 1- Provided support for volunteers 2- Used peer-to-peer texting to turn people out for over 1,300 events 3- Centered race in the campaign.

  • Community Engagement

    Tech Tools for Activism


    Tech Tools for Activism is another great zine that provides an introduction to computer security for activists. Undertaken as a collaboration between radical technology groups and collectives, this zine offers concrete alternatives for corporate and “unsecure” computer technologies including options for email, hosting websites, browsing the Internet, using mobile phones, and free software. This is a good introduction with practical examples on how and what to do to be more safer and more secure in your use of computers. This is “version 2.0” of the guide.

  • Digital Organizing

    Text Messaging for Organizers


    You'll learn how organizers are using text messaging to: 1- Recruit new supporters at actions and rallies with text opt-ins 2- Mobilize supporters to attend events, contact decision makers or donate 3- Reach likely supporters via texting people from the voter file, commercial databases and other sources.

  • Research Justice/Participatory Action Research

    The Campaign Research Toolkit


    A how-to guide for grassroots organizations conducting community-driven campaign research. It’s the product of over ten years of experience working with grassroots organizations to develop strategic and effective campaigns for change. The toolkit contains user-friendly activities, worksheets, and case-study discussions that demystify the process of campaign research for organizations and their membership.

  • Climate Justice

    The Climate Collapse: Changing the Narrative for Frontline Communities of the Americas


    Through this workshop there is an introductory conversation about the foundations of the Environmental Justice movement and the principles it abides to with a particular focus on the climate collapse, climate migration, and the continuous exposure to toxins communities face— such as trash incinerators, factory farms, and metal foundries— once they arrive to Minnesota, and ways in which we can change the narrative for BIPOC communities in the state.

    There is a direct connection between the climate crisis, conflict over diminishing natural resources, and internally displaced people in Latin America who are forced to migrate or flee conflict as a result. This session aims to give an international perspective of the climate crisis as it relates to migrant communities. We want to encourage others to think globally, but act locally, so everyone is given the opportunity to participate at the table. We want to ensure environmental policies are inclusive of immigrant and frontline communities, seek to establish a green regenerative economy, build renewable energy alternatives, and implement better commercial regulations to not concentrate pollution in historically underserved communities.

  • Fundraising

    The Fundraising Process / Pitching to Funders


    Here you will find a recording and PDF document of the fundraising training. The training includes: The fundraising process, how to pitch your work, key parts of a proposal, planning your time, and more! 

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    The Organizing Cycle


    This resource summarizes the cycle of steps necessary to organize a campus campaign.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    The Radical Cheerbook


    The Radical Cheerbook is a collection of cheers intended to be used by radical cheerleaders at anti-capitalist protests. Radical Cheerleading is a tactic aimed at bringing energy and excitement to what might otherwise be stale and boring protests. An old radical cheerleaders website describes it as “…Protest+Performance. It’s activism with pom poms and middle fingers extended. It’s screaming FUCK CAPITALISM while doing a split.”

  • AntiOppression

    The Revolution Will Not Be Funded: Beyond the Non-Profit Industrial Complex


  • Climate Justice

    There's Lead in the Water: Environmental Racism & Reproductive Justice


    Presenter, JV, shares findings and reflections on the intersections of Environmental Racism and Sexual Reproductive Justice as a Sexuality Educator based out of Newark, NJ. This is a mix of qualitative knowledge sharing as well as a historical and present-day look at anti-Black violence perpetrated by the state. We invite the fleet of young people entering the world of the nonprofit industrial complex and Sexual Reproductive Justice to consider the lived experiences of BIPOC living in present-day red-lining. We urge young people to de-centralize the messages of white feminism and instead find solidarity in communities with shared struggles and visions of the future. There is a corporate source of violence we can name and plenty of unspoken stories woven into the fight to dismantle oppressive systems. This session is intended for people interested in sexual reproductive justice (educators, social workers, etc). 

  • Digital Organizing

    Top 2018 Tools & Tactics to Bump Up Your Online Organizing Game

    Training Materials

    An overview of ways you can deploy online tools & tactics in combination with offline organizing to engage supporters, broaden your base and win campaigns. Drawn on lessons learned from resistance movements in 2017, and the latest online developments and social media trends. Learn what other organizers are doing to win and how to do it with limited time and money. 

  • Social Movements

    Towards An Anarchist Ecology


    This zine is based on a series of workshops held by Knowing the Land Is Resistance aimed at critiquing mainstream ideas of “ecology” and offering ideas for moving towards an anarchist knowledge of the land. The zine explains how traditional notions of ecology are based on colonial and capitalist conceptions. As an alternative, the zine explores five starting points for developing an anti-authoritarian and anti-colonial relationship to the land: rooted in relationships, deep listening, urban ecology, re-enchanting, and un-expertness. It’s a good starting point for anyone interested in developing a closer relationship with the land.

  • Narrative Building

    Trump vs. the Truth: Winning the Battle of the Story


    Watch this webinar with the authors of "Re:Imagining Change: How to Use Story-based Strategy to Win Campaigns, Build Movements and Change the World" to: 1. Learn about narrative power analysis and the elements of a winning campaign story. 2. Reflect on inspiring examples of effective framing and storytelling from contemporary movements like #BlackLivesMatter, climate justice, anti-war and migrant justice. 3. Get tools to strengthen your own narrative strategies.

  • Climate Justice

    U.S. Militarism + Climate Justice


    During fall 2020, Power Shift Network launched a series of critical conversations that will strengthen the collective power and impact of the climate movement. Aiming to unravel the realities of state violence and how those systems impact our movement for climate justice, each conversation will examine the intractable links between systems of U.S. sanctioned state violence, such as U.S. Militarism, Immigration Systems, White Nationalism, and their impacts on our movement for climate justice. This conversation is about the ways that U.S. Militarism emboldens the climate crisis and reduces our ability to build resilient communities capable of weathering the impacts of climate catastrophes, and the foundational issues connecting the struggle to reduce military spending with our work to mitigate the climate crisis.

  • Political Education

    Un-Censor Your News Media: Battling Propaganda and Finding Frontline News Sources

    Curriculum & Resource Bank

    This is a webinar for organizers and leftists on how to recognize imperialism news media for what it is and how to seek out sources from the people on the ground in other parts of the world.

    As world leaders continue to wage war and battle over fossil fuels at the expense of the poor, they also work hard to craft their narrative of benevolence. Young people deserve access to honest, ethical, grassroots news reporting on global issues, and this training will provide you with both the analysis and hard skill of recognizing and avoiding propaganda.

    This workshop is for you if:

    • you want to write essays, op-eds, white pages, fact sheets, or create other content on world events and want to use ethical, grassroots sources for your reporting
    • you don't want to fall for false solutions to climate change due to greenwashed propaganda
    • you're on a political education journey and want to learn from outside of western/U.S.-centric perspective
    • you want to have conversations with your community members about current events and want to pass along the skill of recognizing and confronting propaganda
  • AntiOppression

    Understanding Patriarchy


    Patriarchy is the single most life-threatening social disease assaulting the male body and spirit in our nation. Yet most men do not use the word “patriarchy” in everyday life. Most men never think about patriarchy—what it means, how it is created and sustained. 

  • Allyship

    USC’s Diversity Toolkit: A Guide to Discussing Identity, Power, and Privilege”


    This toolkit is meant for anyone who feels there is a lack of productive discourse around issues of diversity and the role of identity in social relationships, both on a micro (individual) and macro (communal) level. The following activities are intended for groups of 10 to 60 people. For larger groups, you can break into multiple sessions with additional facilitators to ensure the conversations and activities remain focused. The diversity toolkit outlined here may be used as a guideline and can be modified to better fit your group’s unique needs.

  • Climate Justice

    Using Regenerative Economic Development to Re-Indigenize


    This session is about David Cobb from Cooperation Humboldt and Michelle Vassel from the Wiyot Tribe working with impact investors to create an indigenous-owned and led Community Land Trust to buy land, build cooperative housing, and support worker-owned businesses. No development will take place that does not have the support and approval of the Wiyot people. Whenever possible the land itself would be owned by the Wiyot, and the improvements/buildings would be owned by cooperative structures that enter into long-term leases with the Wiyot. They are developing concrete projects that meet people's material needs while explicitly using a solidarity economics framework. Their approach incorporates a 12-week curriculum where they study/grapple with the intersection of settler colonialism, white supremacy, heteropatriarchy, and capitalism. They want participants to learn about a concrete policy that can be replicated in their community. 

  • Community Engagement

    Voices from New Orleans - Storytelling Night


    This panel was a night filled with centering Bvlbancha's (so-called New Orlean) art and culture. Dance performances, poetry readings, and story sharing by folks from New Orleans was part of this special themed night during Power Shift 2021 Convergence. 

  • Demonstration Safety

    We Are Being Doxxed


    This short zine that provides a collection of helpful tips on how to avoid doxxing by alt-right and other adversaries. It encourages readers to take a minute to review their practices and to seriously consider their data security. There are tips on passwords, social media, email, and more. It is essential reading for anyone doing anarchist things in the contemporary period. The folks who made the zine have also produced a website – – that contains additional information on the topics discussed in the zine.

  • Research Justice/Participatory Action Research

    We Can Be Surveyors

    Training Materials

    This manual includes step-by-step facilitation instruction to conduct a series of workshops on survey design and implementation. It includes workshops created to move from survey project planning, survey tool design and piloting and implementing the survey. The manual is a tool for staff and leaders working on social change that want to include community in the survey process. Any sections of the curriculum can be used based on the level of community engagement you are planning for the project.

  • Mutual Aid

    Weaponizing Empathy: A Guide to Creating a Radical, Free Community Center


    We discuss what free community spaces are, the steps to creating one, and their role in countering institutions. 

  • Fossil Fuel Divestment

    Webinar: Learning from Divest Middlebury's victory!


    On January 29th, Divest Middlebury won direct fossil fuel divestment with the announcement of a ten-year plan called “Energy 2028”! As the birthplace of and a 7-year-long campaign, Middlebury’s divestment comes as a huge boost to the movement. In this webinar hosted by Divest Ed, we will hear from Divest Middlebury student organizers about how their campaign went from rejection and uncertainty last year to a huge victory!

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    What Makes Nonviolent Movements Succeed


    An interview with Dr. Erica Chenoweth, author of “Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict.” We ask her questions about what her research reveals are the best strategies and tactics from movements around the world that have succeeded and failed in taking on oppressive regimes.

  • Digital Organizing

    When Wildfire Hits: Climate justice, mutual aid, and organizing in crisis


    Rogue Climate is a grassroots climate justice organization that builds youth leadership and mobilizes for clean energy, sustainable jobs, and a healthy environment across Southern Oregon. In September 2020, their community was overrun with climate-exacerbated wildfires that burned more than 2,600 homes, disproportionately impacting low-income, elderly, and Latinx community members, many who do not have citizenship so are not eligible for federal disaster support. This is the story of creating mutual aid networks in the midst of the Almeda and Obenchain fires, and sharing the skills and tools that were helpful when facing climate disasters at home.

    They were able to respond to wildfires by using horizontal, distributed, and diverse networks of community members to set up multiple mutual aid relief sites within 24 hours of the fire. We can meet our needs. Climate change will impact marginalized communities first and worst as we've seen in Hurricane Katrina, and every major disaster before and after, and is true again in the case of Oregon's 2020 wildfires. In 2020 and beyond, climate justice organizing must include disaster response, and the skills we use to mobilize for climate justice also come in handy when responding to climate disaster.

    Rogue Climate's office also burned in the fires.

  • Climate Justice

    Where Climate Justice Meets The Movement For Black Lives


    Colette Pichon Battle, the Executive Director of the Gulf Coast Center for Law & Policy and Valencia Gunder, organizer and Organizing Lead at RBG New Deal discuss the intersections of The Movement for Black Lives and Climate Justice.


    Where Climate Justice Meets The Movement For Black Lives


  • Social Movements

    Where Your Name Comes From


    Group activity in which participants share their full name and where it comes from - facilitates acknowledgement and importance of difference and diversity in the room.

  • AntiOppression

    White Nationalism + Climate Justice Webinar


    The past decade has illustrated for many of us the role of organized white nationalists in pushing political narratives. From the Birtherism movement that launched Trump's national political platform to QAnon to the protests in Charlottesville, we're seeing dog whistling and virtue signaling across our political discourse to hold space for organized white nationalists at arms reach. When we talk about climate change and environmental policy, we see this play out in the ways that Indigenous land across the west is sold off to the highest bidder to drill for oil, and eco-facist rhetoric that protects immediate financial interests over the future of people on this planet. PSN's last discussion in our fall webinar series dove into White Nationalism and its impact on our movement for climate justice and collective liberation.

  • Immigration/Migration/Refugee

    Why Do Refugee Caravans Exist? A Lesson in Geo-Political History of Central America


    This webinar addresses the geo-political and colonial history that led to the conditions that are causing people to risk everything to travel by the thousands to seek safety in the United States. It also discusses the current status of the caravan, as well as humanitarian crisis conditions and the immediate need for assistance. Finally, the webinar suggests ways for Guild members to offer support—whether by Legal Observing, volunteering with Tijuana-based Al Otro Lado, or by donating to a locally-based relief organization.

  • Organizing & Mobilizing

    YES! ForEquity


    This session introduces YES! For Equity, an initiative with the Partnership for Southern Equity, and walks through a basic youth leader training with sections on advocacy, youth empowerment, and racial equity. The goal is to give young people tangible skills in advocacy, action planning, policy change, and organizing. YES! For Equity focuses on educating young people on the intersectionality of race/racism and youth empowerment/advocacy, providing them with the tools to successfully advocate for their issue of interest.

  • AntiOppression

    Young Workers and Just Transition


    This discussion conveys the sentiments of young workers in a just transition. We highlight the Just transition listening project and the upcoming young worker listening project.

  • Collective Liberation

    Youth and the THRIVE Agenda


    This is an educational session about the THRIVE agenda (Transform, Heal, and Renew by Investing in a Vibrant Economy), put forth by the Green New Deal Network - a network of grassroots organizations, labor, and climate and environmental justice organizations. We provide some basic education on the pillars of the THRIVE agenda, lead a discussion on how the THRIVE agenda impacts youth and their communities, and discuss how to advance the THRIVE agenda to fight for environmental, economic, and social justice from grassroots community solutions to the federal policy level.

    The THRIVE agenda provides a platform to call for solutions that address interlocking crises of climate change, racial injustice, public health, and economic inequity. Many of the pillars of the THRIVE agenda are informed by and building off of the organizing and liberation work across movements led by Black, Indigenous, and Communities of color - from ensuring all people have access to clean air and water to strengthening tribal sovereignty and enforcing treaty rights, to prioritizing resources like healthy food, quality education and health care for Black and Brown communities. We will use the pillars of the THRIVE agenda as an educational tool to discuss how systems like racism, colonialism, and capitalism are interconnected and have led to the injustices we face today - climate change, economic inequality, worker exploitation and so much more.

  • Coalition Building

    Youth Climate Activism in the Global South: Allyship, Solidarity, and Coalition-Building


    This session is designed to inform participants of the circumstances faced by Global South climate activists and how those of us in the Global North can show solidarity and allyship. Furthermore, viewers will understand the importance of coalition-building as well as the logistics of building and sustaining one, especially on an international level.

  • Climate Justice

    Zinn Education Project: Teaching Climate Justice

    Curriculum & Resource Bank

    To address this gulf between the climate emergency and schools’ inadequate response, the Zinn Education Project has launched a campaign to “Teach Climate Justice.” How do we teach the climate crisis in a way that also confronts racism, economic inequality, misogyny, militarism, xenophobia, and that imagines the kind of world that we would like to live in?


    We offer classroom-tested lessons, workshops for educators, and a sample school board climate justice resolution.